We’re always excited to welcome new team members to the EarthCraft family! Andrew Doetsch is EarthCraft’s newest Fellow as a part of Southface’s Emerging Leaders program. We sat down with him to learn more about where he comes from and what he’s going to be working on:


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where were you before Southface?

Before I started at SouthFace I was the head bartender at the Buckhead Diner. I had a bit of experience working in the service industry but none behind the bar when I started. It took me three months to work my way from an amateur to the most senior position on the service staff.

What interests you the most about working in the environmental industry?

I’m absolutely fascinated by solar technology and I have a million ideas of ways the industry can be improved to be more practical and cost efficient. I also love spending time in natural spaces and I did a lot of camping during my childhood. Preserving the natural world for generations to come will always be a prerogative for me. Putting my efforts into my work to ensure this is what excites me the most.

What is your role here at Southface?

As the newest emerging leader for the Regnerative Places & Spaces team my role is to help with any and all tasks my team members could use assistance with. As the resident cartographical expert I look forward to making maps for anyone who needs one!

You’ve been at Southface for a couple of weeks now. What are your impressions?

I’m excited about the work community here at SouthFace, everyone I’ve met seems very focused and driven. I appreciate that there is space for humor and lively conversation in between tasks. Everyone here believes in the greater goals of the institute and that’s very encouraging to me!

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not working?

I am a big fan of Atlanta sports teams and I enjoy rec sport in my free time. I have many friends from my old schools and baseball teams that I enjoy spending time with. I’m also a competitive Rocket League player on the Xbox.

Do you have a personal mantra or motto that you try to live by?

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” -Ghandi