EarthCraft Certified Builders

Educated, trustworthy builders are the backbone of the EarthCraft program. These individuals are responsible for the construction of sound, energy-efficient homes that earn the EarthCraft label. The partnership between builders, Technical Advisers, and EarthCraft Administrators allows for the combination of advanced building science with each builder’s own personality to produce positive living environments.
EarthCraft Technical Advisors

Technical Advisors (TAs) are the driving force behind EarthCraft House, Multifamily and Renovation program implementation, providing critical guidance to builders and verifying that program standards are met. Professionals trained as EarthCraft TAs are able to offer clients valuable, specialized expertise that sets them apart!
Real Estate Professionals

Looking for effective ways to market EarthCraft-certified buildings? The EarthCraft program provides a training class that teaches the principles of green building. In addition, you’ll learn the specifics of the EarthCraft program in order to most successfully present and market sustainably built, green homes, all while earning Georgia Real Estate Continuing Education credits.
HVAC Contractors

HVAC contractors are key in ensuring a tight, energy-efficient home. EarthCraft trained professionals are able to implement best practices and smooth the process of installing an efficient system. Their knowledge of how to correctly size heating and conditioning systems to the dwelling and how to install the equipment and ductwork is crucial to making the most of a structure’s energy budget.