EarthCraft Program Guidelines and Worksheets

Find everything you need to know about all of the EarthCraft programs here –from background, requirements, and guidelines to the scoring worksheets used to assess projects in the field.

We encourage you to provide feedback and/or request information regarding website content, manuals, guidelines, and worksheets.

Please note: if you are downloading worksheets or PDF documents, they will open in a separate tab on your web browser. These are not in user-friendly forms, so please click the download button at the top right of the webpage to download to your computer.

Please note some EarthCraft documents are in the process of being updated. If you can’t locate the documents for a specific EarthCraft program from the list below, please reach out to A member of our team will reach out to further assist you.

General EarthCraft Program

EarthCraft House

EarthCraft Multifamily

Previous versions of EarthCraft Multifamily program documents:

EarthCraft Light Commercial

EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation


  • If you are tracking to achieve funding from the GA QAP, instructions from the DCA regarding which worksheet version to use is as follows: “Due to the various revision cycles for each of these programs, the project must comply with the version in effect at the time the drawings are prepared for permit review.” Please contact us regarding any confusion over this.